Archive for February, 2011

Parenting woes

I am super busy today with work and Dr. appointments and parenting.

This is just a quick note to let you know we will be attending the school board meeting tonight as they are talking about cutting any or all of the following classes: French, Band, Choir, Consumer Ed, Foods, child rearing.

Based on the outcome of the meeting tonight we may be looking for another school for Princess Girl to attend next year. She has already missed out on two classes in the first two years of high school because there were not enough sections offered.


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Reading today and my Dad

I finished Among Others by Jo Walton last night. I enjoyed the book. It was a different take on fairies and magic than most of the books I have read. I LOVED that Mor was such an avid reader. Her love for SF reminded me of myself.

Her relationship with Daniel made me miss my own dad. At an even younger age than Mor, he was feeding my love of SF and turning me on to McCaffery and Herbert and Asimov. I miss talking with him about the books we were both reading.

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Thousand Word Thursday

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True love

Reading: Among Others, by Jo Walton

Image by somecanuckchick via Flickr

I am reading Among Others by Jo Walton. Not quite half way through, and I am really enjoying it. I read this paragraph and it stopped me in my tracks. This is it. Exactly.

“They were a funny couple in a way. They didn’t agree about all that much. Often they exasperated each other. They didn’t even have all that many interests in common. They met doing amateur dramatics, but she loved plays and he loved being on the stage. Yet they loved each other. The way she used to say “Oh, Luke!” in a fond and exasperated way.”

 That. Perfect.

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Public service announcement

Dixit (card game)

Image via Wikipedia

Ok, so maybe that is a little strong. But really, once you do, you will thank me…

Whether or not your family participates currently in a family game night, you need to run, not walk, to your nearest game store (or hope on over to Amazon) and buy the board game Dixit.

Really. I mean it.

We played this with Amy and her family when we were in Arizona. Princess Girl has not stopped talking about it since then. I finally ordered it. We played last night with J. We laughed. We had so much fun we played twice.

J is already planning to get the guys together to play an ‘adult’ game soon.

Take my word for it, this game ROCKS!

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Thousand Word Thursday

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Well, that was fun… Not!

Our area is under a dense fog advisory this morning. Usually, that does not affect my drive to work that much. Not today. Holy crap! Visibility was maybe 100 ft. It was a white knuckle drive the whole way in. The fog is supposed to last until at least noon. I hope it is gone before the drive home or I will never un-cramp my hands!

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Parental Guidance

Man and woman in swimsuits, ca. 1910; she is e...

Image via Wikipedia

I helped chaperone the Sadie Hawkins (Turn-about / Swirl) dance at Princess Girl’s school this weekend. I’m glad Princess Girl feels comfortable volunteering me for the job. It is a fun gig. The music is decent. The kids are good kids. And, I get to see all the fancy dresses.

And the not so fancy.

Ugh. Where are these girls’ parents? Why are these girls receiving no guidance on their dresses? And if they are receiving guidance, why are their parents not in jail?

Truly. If the only thing your dress says about you is “I’m 16 and I put out” that is not a good thing.

There were several that were so short that the girls’ spanks were peaking out the bottom of their dresses when they were standing still. Some of these girls are only 14 years old. Then there were the really bad ones. One of the dresses looked like it was straight out of Fredrick’s of Hollywood. Great for a club, not so great on a 16 year old. One of the dresses looked like a swim suit cover up. Really. Two feet of WHITE spandex in tube top form. That was it. And it wasn’t even flattering.

Aside from the really bad dresses, Princess Girl and her friends had a great time. And I did, too.

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A short note

To say that Princess Girl is out of her cast! In the walking boot to work her way into a regular shoe at her own pace. She has already walked across the room barefoot with ZERO PAIN in her ankle. Once the incision finishes healing she will be golden!

Ahh, what a relief!

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Thousand Word Thursday

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